Listening Skills
Giving PEER SPEECH Feedback
This video provides students with the understanding of how to do an "Evaluation Sandwich" approach to peer feedback. Students will learn how to give positive and constructive criticism after peers' speeches.
Explore what it means to listen actively and how you as a listener can help achieve this type of listening skill,
10 Ways to Have better Conversations
Journalist Celeste Headley gives a powerful TED Talk which was so popular that it was turned into a book! She chronicles 10 things that she has learned interviewing guests that help the average person listen and engage in better conversations.
Lectern Tags: Transformative, Interpersonal, Useful, Listening Skills
THE Secret to giving GREAT FEEDBACK
This short and concise TED Talk gives great strategies that are helpful in giving feedback (whether for a speech, interview, or in the workplace).
Lectern Tags: Real-world skill, Coaching, Job Skill, Coworkers, Feedback
5 Ways to Listen Better
Julian Treasure's popular TED Talk provides several a-ha moments as he explores the ways which can improve our listening to others, whether in-class or in our home life.
Lectern Tags: Inspirational, Practical, Speaker with Accent
Everyone has a story. Listen.
Dave Isay explains the creation of StoryCorp, a movement to record conversations from everyday people and archive them at the Library of Congress for the future. Now the largest single collection of human voices ever gathhered, this talk will show you the importance of telling your story.
Lectern Tags: Stories, Listening, Self, Inspiration, Connection, Family
LECTURE: Listening
Professor Patricia Jenkinson provides a wonderful mini-lecture on Listening Skills for students in a public speaking course.
Communication Coach Alex Lyon takes listeners on a journey to learn how they can be active in the listening process. Four tips for being an active listener are provided.