Interpersonal Communication

Communication Competence Lecture

Self-Disclosure Lecture

Power in Relationships Lecture

Factors of Attraction Lecture

Mini-Movie: Relationship timeline

Johari Window Overview (Great primer before doing in class)

Social Penetration Theory Lecture

Interpersonal Attraction Overview

Social Exchange Theory Overview

Social Penetration Theory Mini-Lecture

TED Talk: Shame (Monica Lewinsky)

TED Talk: Lessons about communication learned after transitioning

TED Talk: Everyone has something big to self-disclose

Defining theory, method, & tool (Mini-Lecture)

Knapp's Relationship Stages Overview

Stages of Relationships Video

DTR: Defining the Relationship Video

Communicating Effectively (Animated Video)

Empathic Listening Overview

Process of Self-Disclosure (Clip from TV: Modern Love on Amazon)

Politeness Theory (Face & Face Saving)

Empathy (Animated Video)

High vs. Low Context Overview

Active Listening Skills (Animated Video)